You signed up for baptism - what's next?

Watch this walkthrough for what to expect on baptism weekend.


1. What is baptism?

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. It’s a public declaration of how Jesus changed your life. Being baptized shows others that you’ve decided to follow Jesus, and allows them to celebrate this decision with you (Acts 16:31-34).

2. Why should I be baptized?

Obedience to Jesus shows we believe and follow Him. (1 John 2:3). Because Jesus went public about His love for us, we can go public about our love for Him. Being baptized shows that we turn away from a life of sin toward Jesus, the only one who can change us (Acts 2:38-41).

3. When’s the best time to be baptized?

For everyone who decides to follow Jesus, baptism is the next step. Anyone who commits his or her life to following Jesus is ready to be baptized (Acts 8:12).

4. Do you baptize kids?

As parents, we can help point our kids to Jesus, but they are the ones to decide if they will commit their lives to Him (Romans 10:9). Baptism follows a person’s decision to trust Jesus for his or her salvation and commitment to follow Him (Acts 10:47-48). At FSC, we will baptize kids as young as Kindergarten, who have expressed the decision on their own to follow Jesus and who have expressed this understanding in our baptism class.

5. Do I need to be baptized again?

There will be seasons of growth and greater periods of spiritual maturity – but if you have made a decision to follow Christ and been baptized, there’s no need to be baptized again.

What to Expect on my Baptism Day:

Before I Arrive

This is a big day for you! Be sure to invite friends, family and those close to you to celebrate.

Plan on showing up about 25-30 minutes prior to the service in which you are being baptized.

What to Bring

Bring a change of clothes* (including undergarments), towel*, and a bag* to hold your wet clothes.

(*we do have supplies if you forget these) 

Once You Arrive at Church

Look for the person with the blue baptism sign. Our team will greet you and walk you through the process. They will show you to our check-in location where you can check-in and get changed.


During the Service

Before baptisms start, you will join your family and friends in a designated area by the tank for the service. You will be notified of the appropriate time in the service to go up to the tank to be baptized.

In The Baptism Tank

We will help you to carefully enter the tank and show you which way to face.

Once you are seated, the pastor will ask you two questions:

  1. Do you trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins 
  2. Do you want to follow Him forever 

You can grab your forearm and plug your nose with the other hand  – and be baptized! 

After You're Baptized

Once you’re done you will then go to the changing area and get into your dry clothes and return to service.

Later in the day, be sure to check our Facebook Page and find your photo!