March Prayer Requests

Kelsey – Pray for companion tests to come out favorably for dog, Lucy 

Pray for relief from a knot in Rich’s shoulder that won’t work out 

Pray for Cathee and Steve to have peace and know that God has them through all the struggles with Branden and mental health, benefits and future 

Praise God for a good trip for Brad and his sister to get their uncle settled into a Memory Care facility. Pray for his transition to his new normal to go smoothly. 

Praise God that Anthony is responding well to the increase in his medication. Pray for his energy to be restored, and for his visit to a cardiologist next week. 

Pray for Jaclyn to persevere in the re-writing of her dissertation. 

Pray for JSC girls – Tia (gets released in two days), Leilynn, Micah, Yakina, Wawokye, Hannah, Rochelle, Zoey, Hailey 

Pray for Tom as he goes to Mayo this week to begin his cancer treatment. 

Pray for the Clement family as they have one family member having a serious surgery today and another family member who is having a baby. 

Pray for the Wilson family as they will be having a baby soon. 

Ruth – Our friend Kaylee taking her daughter Allanah for medical tests on Monday. We pray for peace to surround her, and any spine issues are very mild. We also pray for Brianna, going through cancer treatment. 

Scott – Pray for his family as they are navigating very tough family issues. 

Pray for Asher three year-old little boy who pulled boiling water onto himself while his mom was cooking dinner. He has third-degree non-life-threatening burns on his right side. He has been transferred to the burn unit in Denver. 

Penny – Pray for Michelle Jensen is in ICU in SC. She has been living with her parents for over a year because her health is so challenging from gastroperis, post a horrible car accident years ago. She now has severe pneumonia and has been in ICU since Saturday. She is in my life group and has led faith focused stroke groups online. 

Pray for the Visa process for the Melvins and their team 

Pray for Cassidy to have grace and understanding with staff and students 

Pray for several family situations that Kimmy and her husband are walking through with their kids: daughter’s health, son & daughter-in-law facing a difficult challenge. 

Pray for the continued health and recovery for staff fighting various “bugs” 

Pray for Donna as she has surgery on March 26th 

Pray for Rochelle as she navigating foot issues 

Pray for Karon compression fracture 

Pray for Marvina – surgery on Tuesday 

Pray for Rick – healing from throat pain.  Struggling to swallow 

Pray for Spencer has he navigates some tough life decisions 

Pray for Diana as she undergoes knee replacement surgery this week 

Angie – R is a young male Christian but struggles to live by biblical principles, especially when it comes to lust and sexual activity in relationships with girls. Please pray for him to desire to seek a closer relationship with Jesus and understand the importance of living according to God’s word. Please pray that he becomes disciplined enough to wait on sexual activity until marriage. Please pray that he desires to learn more about God’s word by reading the Bible faithfully. Please pray that God transforms his heart and mind so he seeks God’s will and desires in how he lives his life, and that he seeks a Christ centered relationship with a girl. 

Ward – Our son Logan and his wife Tania. They are currently in the triage unit with severe complications during a midterm pregnancy. Thank you. 


Pray for Rich’s family’s protection and care for adult kids and for God’s hand to be on Rich’s wedding 

Pray for Kelsey’s continued trust in God’s timing and surrender 

Pray for Cathee to accept however God wants to work for the wedding on Oct 12 and how it needs to be handled for Branden 

Pray for healing for Bridger’s broken collar bone and pain management and for Ron’s diagnosis & recover of collar bone pain 

Praise that Sandy’s daughter-in-law, Sadie, walked away from a roll-over accident. Pray for her recovery 

Pray for those struggling with challenging work situations and how to be a light in those circumstances 

Pray for God’s clear direction and favor for those who have work interviews this week 

Pray for baby Juliette – was rushed to the ER Saturday because she couldn’t breathe. Pray that they can figure out what’s wrong. 

Praying for relationships, truth, reconciliation and conflict resolution to help a number of couples take needed steps in their marriages. 

Pray for Susan as she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  She lives in Iowa. 

Praying for friends who are going through a rough time and dealing with a lot of negativities from others in the community. 

Praying for peace as I go through Med school and for my mom as she deals with lost in her mom.  

Pray for friends who lost their first grandbaby, Bennett, during the baby’s birth. Family loves Jesus and needs prayer as they process this tragic loss 

Pray for safe travels for Kameron leaving for a work trip this week, and for Cassidy at home with a toddler 

Shania – Pray for my husband, my son. And a healthy labor on the 20th that my baby girl is safe. And healthy 

Taten – Pray for my marriage to remain faithful and healthy, my kids and our health. 

Pray for Kym’s continued recovery from car accident and guidance in finding a new car 

Pray for Emily returning to work at Horace Mann tomorrow for the first time after the loss of her daughter. Pray for those at the school to know how to support her 

Pray for Anna deployed with the SD Army National Guard and moving operations from CA to TX 

Pray for family members far from God and running from Him 

Pray for Daniel as he is hoping to land a new job 

Pray for Steph this week as she has surgery 

Pray for Madison’s dad, Jason, who is battling addiction.  Pray for Jason to find healing and pray for their relationship to be reconciled and repaired. 

Pray for Russell – Having knee revision surgery on Wednesday March 5. Pray all goes well 

Pray for Donna – She would like prayers for her and her siblings after losing their Dad. She would like prayers that they would come together and that her parents are reunited in heaven. 

Pray for JSC girls – Kaileah, Rochelle, Nakia, Micah, Tia, Angel, Elynn