Shine the love of Jesus near and far!

Most of us grew up hearing the story of the Three Kings.
We see them in nativity sets during the Christmas season. And to many, it has become an iconic scene - the wise men, following a star, until it led them to the place where Christ was born. If you read a bit further, you discover that the magi didn’t just show up to meet Jesus. No, they arrived with gifts in hand. And not just any gifts, but gold, frankincense and myrrh.
In Bible times, these gifts were only afforded to the wealthy. And for the three wise men to present them, it was not just a gesture representing the kingship of Christ. It was the kings bringing their very best to Jesus in response to who He was…it was their act of worship.
So, as a church we said "let’s do that!" Let’s not simply be consumers that participate in the holiday season simply buying gifts for our friends and family. Let’s bring a gift to Jesus. After all, the whole point of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Every year, we as a church do a collective offering where we get involved and bring a financial gift. We aren’t trying to fund a project or meet a specific financial number. Instead, the agenda is simple: We want more people to get involved. Our goal this year is that 750 people would be a part of SHINE. Would you consider being a part of showing people who Jesus is and bringing God a gift this Christmas season?